ICT - Week 3
Learning Points
J Knowing what and how to do things is not sufficient. It is important to know why to
do things as well.
J The case for pedagogy: Classroom Interaction
Tripartite Relationship (Teachers, Student and ICT)
J Profile of a language learner you know:
J Technology can make good language learning better and poor language teaching worse
Student Qualities – Peculiar to Net kids in the U.S
fiercely independent
Emotionally and intellectually open
Socially inclusive
Contrarian (go against popular opinion just for the sake of it)
Concerned about immediacy
Wary of unauthenticated sources of information
Sensitive to corporate interests
Preoccupied with maturity
Teaching through technology…learning through technology. We use technology to achieve a specific outcome.
The NET Generation have brains that are wired up differently.
Learning from technology and learning with it. In the 1960 the mainframe computers were owned by the Military and several universities in the US.
Computers were used as a surrogate teacher (students learned from the computer).
In 1980 computers became more powerful and cheaper. (The rise of Personal computers)
Structural – Mainframe, Grammar translation e.g. Russian texts to English and audiolingual,. Language was very formal and systemctic and there was a lot of drill and practice (or drill and kill) and the focus was accuracy.
Communicative – There was communicative language teaching. There was a necessity for fluency.
Integrative - Agency is all about the power to do things and actually doing them.
Intergrative – There is now more focus on content for specific purposes – e.g. EL for Businesses, EL for academic purposes. EL was no longer just cognitive it was also for social interaction. As a result there is more authentic discourse.
How do we move from learning from technology to learning with technology to learning in it….
Learner’s Role
Thinker, Confident communicator,
The context and the task
The roles of resources…Computer, Books, Assessment books, the visualiser, the dictionary, online websites, LEADS, Magazines, CD-ROMS,
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